Safe, Effective



Horse Health, Maintenance, & Performance

(888) 917-8565

Professional Grade Formulas For Your Horse

Muscle Mass PLUS

Giving Nature Back to Your Horse

Whole Pastures can enhance your horse's diet with nutrients from a variety of plants that horses would naturally consume. Horses, like humans, are meant to have a diverse diet. Free range horses forage on grasses, leaves, twigs, bark, and flowers. However, not all horses have this opportunity.

When your pasture or hay only has a few species of plants, then Whole Pastures is your solution. Now you can provide an abundance of different green plants to support your horses health. Whole Pastures provides an abundance of whole plants with nutrients that aids in the support of your horses health, is 100% natural and non-GMO.

The whole food micro nutrients in Whole Pastures are as Mother Nature intended, and are easily assimilated and utilized.

Feed one scoop per day. Bag contains approximately thirty scoops.

    $45.00 per Lb.